About The Noble Groove

The Goal of The Noble Groove is to remind and encourage us to examine what we hear and see in light of God’s Word. The Noble Groove draws its inspiration from Acts 17:11, where we read: “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (NIV).

In this context, the nobility of the Berean Jews was not in their lineage or societal standing, but in their character and state of mind. They were noble on account of the following:

  • They heard [received] the message of the gospel with eagerness or readiness: As opposed to the Thessalonian Jews who were violently repulsive to the message of the gospel (Acts 17:1-8), the Berean Jews gave the message of the gospel its deserved attention.
  • They examined Paul’s teaching in light of the Scriptures: They searched the Old Testament to see if Paul’s teaching of Jesus as the Messiah was true.
  • They continued to search the Scriptures daily: They made it a routine to examine what they heard in light of God’s Word.

In a nutshell, the Berean Jews were on one hand not unreasonably repulsive, and on the other, not naïve. This is the focus of The Noble Groove. “Noble” refers to the virtuous and honorable character of examining everything in light of God’s Word. And “Groove” is the reminder to pursue this virtue routinely or daily.

In the day and age when different philosophies and worldviews are being propagated, and the impostors of God’s Word are increasingly on the rise, we need to make studying God’s Word an integral part of our lives. Only then can we distinguish what is false from the truth. The Word of God is our standard for living. Hence, we must routinely examine what we think, see, or hear in light of it. Upon examination, we must reject anything that conflicts or disagrees with Scripture, regardless of its human source. Oddly enough, Paul would later write to the Thessalonians: “… but test everything; hold fast what is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21 ESV).