The power and sufficiency of the Gospel: Part 3

The gospel teaches us to love God and others (v.9 – 10a)

God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you 10in my prayers at all times; NIV

The Apostle Paul has already poured out his heart in the preceding verse in thanks to God for the Roman believers. Here, he continues in that line to emphasize his relationship with the Roman believers. Since Paul had not yet been to Rome at this time (v. 10b), he probably had not met the majority of believers in Rome. But the Apostle knows one or two sure ways in which he is related to the Roman believers.

The power and sufficiency of the Gospel: Part 2

We grow by the gospel Romans 1:8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. NIV Paul opens this section of the letter by indicating that he is thankful to God for the Romans. “First” is not used as in numbering here but to indicate importance. Before the believers at Rome can know anything, they must be aware that Paul is thankful to God for them. This not only prepares them to hear what Paul is about to say, but it also encourages them in their…

The Power and Sufficiency of the Gospel (Romans 1:8-17)

Part 1: Introduction Romans 1:8-17 Romans is a great book. It is great not merely because of Apostle Paul’s solid argumentation and presentation, but because of the revealed power of God in it. The book is self-attesting: it speaks of “the gospel” is which God’s power unto salvation (1:16). Throughout the book, Paul shows that this power operates mainly in a twofold manner: on one edge, it reveals the lost and sinful condition of mankind (1:18-31, ch. 2, 3:9-20, 23), and on the other edge, it unveils the justifying and sanctifying righteousness of God (1:17; 3:21-22, 24-31; 4:1-5:1; ch. 8)….

New Age Spirituality (New Age Movement) through Biblical lenses.

Article By Joseph C. Lungu The New Age movement is threatening the thought pattern of many of the professing Christians at an unprecedented rate. I cannot tell how many people I have met, who would do anything in the name of Christianity as long as it doesn’t hurt others. They would do anything as long as it makes them happy. The results justify the means! (dangerous route). Others even say, ‘it makes me feel connected to God or it makes me feel in the presence of God. Speaking in tongues is being used to generate a certain emotional satisfaction. Umbilical…

Remember Your Creator

By Joseph Chulu Lungu “When young, enjoy life. When aging, make money. When you are old, do religion.” __ This notion is satanic. We have more entertainment in this generation than ever. Exciting games. Great music. All kinds of social media platforms and so many ways of communication. In the near past, people had a few games to play and no luxury living as we have it today, yet they were happier than most of us. In the near past, things lasted much longer than today. ( I am not saying the older days are better as we are warned…

Be Children of your Father: Tribalism and the Gospel.

“This is a call to reflect the Father in heaven, whose image we bear.” In a country that has over 70 tribes and more than 15 political ideologies, it is very easy to find a reason to not go along with the next person. It is easy to find a reason not to love the next person. As broken human beings, we can choose to be selfish and look down on others on the basis of tribal differences. We can choose to segregate others on political lines. But when we are confronted with the reality that we are all bearers…

The Security of Salvation

By Kennedy Tembo I. A few clarifications first: The Biblical words for salvation are yasha` (יָשַׁע) in Hebrew and soteria (σωτηρία) in Greek; and both are pretty much alike in their usage and meaning. Basically, these words mean: “deliverance, safety, salvation, rescue, welfare,” and “to deliver” (as a verb). Therefore, it is important to note that these words are translated in various ways in the Bible depending on the context they are used in that passage. Nevertheless, whichever way they are translated, they still demonstrate their salvific concept (that’s rescue and deliverance).   2. There are different salvations portrayed in the…

How is one Saved?

Salvation is by grace through faith: Justified by faith Key verse: by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. (Isa 53:11, NIV) Introduction To be a partaker of eternal life promised in the gospel is to be saved. Therefore, in this article, we are going to talk about how one is saved, the object of saving faith and what a preacher is required to do with regard to the proclamation of the gospel. These are foundational things in the Christian faith hence it is important to be well taught in these matters. Our…

The Gospel

In Romans 1:16-17, we find that the topic of the gospel is one of unmatched significance. Paul writes that “it is the power is God unto salvation … and that … in it, God’s righteousness is revealed.” Surely, something of this magnitude demands the attention of all of us. What does the Bible affirm about the Gospel? First things first; What is the gospel? In 1 Cor 15:1-8, the Apostle Paul reminds us of the kind of the gospel he preached to the church in Corinth. Two things are to be noted in this passage for our understating of the…

Why it matters that Christ is fully God in Salvation

John 1: 1 is so emphatic about the deity of Jesus Christ: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In 1:14, John continues; “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Later in the book, John records Jesus saying “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). Charles Ryrie observes that this was perhaps the clearest and strongest occasion of such a claim. “The neuter form of “one” rules…